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Postures - the yoga school of South West Florida.




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Dear future student of the one and only Suzie Muchnick...

You will know straight away how lucky you are, because you will feel the results from the first second. Suzie’s energy is unstoppable and her clarity a gift to your practice. Her work ethic second to none as she runs you through your paces, in methodology that is firmly rooted in her years of practice of the Iyengar yoga and her own willingness to remain a student of her craft. Suzie is a rare person in that she could have chosen many disciplines and excelled, but lucky for us students, she chose Iyengar Yoga. Be absolutely secure in the knowledge you are in the right place; absolutely in the presence of a great teacher; absolutely the Iyengar Yoga teacher.
- TA


Testimonial to Suzie and Southwest Florida Iyengar Yoga.

I have attended Suzie’s classes regularly, as well as occasional workshops.
I am relatively new to Yoga (seven years), and I findher instruction to offer a wealth of information and useful techniques, and her studio to be welcoming and very well equipped. Never do I attend a class and not leave with some new detail, and her skill with props and variations for the old and unathletic (me) enable me to access asanas I might never otherwise get near. Invariably, I leave feeling enriched, relaxed, and calm. Her emphasis on the aspects of Yoga not normally taught in depth is particularly interesting to me; I refer to Pranayama (breathing), Pratyahara (withdrawal from the senses),and Dharana (concentration), leading to Dyana (meditation). These have been of interest to me since well before I began studying them formally. Suzie opens classes with exercises in these endeavors, and it enhances the subsequent study of asana.
More than her individual teaching, however, is the community she has built over the years. She has trained a large number of students and teachers in Southwest Florida that are outstanding in their loyalty and eagerness to learn from her. When she conducts a workshop of continuing education event, it’s like afamily reunion and a county fair. The variety of experiences anddevelopment in the attendees always adds to the event. Suzie's longevity in the field and the depth of her study and expertise combine to make her a very strong teacher, and her determination to advance her students make her classes are ablessing of wealth in the world of Yoga instruction.
- T.D.


B.K.S. Iyengar said “If I can get you to be attentive for the next hour and a half I have done my job.” Suzie does her job! She is meditation in action. Suzie creates a learning environment filled with love and curiosity.

A few years ago I had a painful back issue. Suzie always encouraged me to keep moving forward -- “try this,” “try that,” “let go here.” No backsliding (anavassthitattva). She helped me move past the physical and emotional issues that were holding meback. I always feel welcomed in her classes.

We all continue to grow as human beings. I am grateful to be onthis journey with my teacher and friend.
- Stephanie R.


As an Iyengar yoga student for over 20 years, I have taken classes and workshops with a variety of Certified Iyengar teachers,and I find Suzie's teaching to always be passionate and inspiring. I feel very fortunate to be one of her students.
- Susan C.


Suzie is a teacher who has a sharp corrective eye. She has directly challenged and changed my postural and mind habits for the better over the last six years that she has been my mentor.
I felt well prepared for assessment and continue to learn, even at a distance, from this gifted and accessible teacher. Thanks Suzie for being a model of devotion and commitment to the practice and teaching of the Iyengar method.
- A.G.


I've known Suzie for many years and since I've moved to Florida, I've been able to attend her Iyengar Yoga teacher continuing education courses. She travels to Pune, India each year to study directly with the Iyengars to ensure she has the most recent information with which to inform our practice. Suzie provides the opportunity to learn new asanas and practice teaching while giving us all valuable feedback. Her compassion and dedication to her students comes directly from the heart.
- Deborah D.


Postures is the ONLY Iyengar studio in Naples. Suzie is literally a teacher’s teacher. With over 40 years of teaching experience and probably a similar # trips to study directly with BKS at RIYMI... she skillfully educates and challenges her students in small, mixed classes ranging from beginners to other teachers. In addition, due to her relationships within the international Iyengar community...she’s able to bring world renown Senior Iyengar teachers, who would have no reason to come here otherwise... to her intimate yet beautifully well-equipped studio (Arun, John Schumacher, JoanWhite, etc.). Also... I think Suzie is one of the only, if not the only teacher senior enough to conduct Iyengar teacher training workshops in Florida. Having been lucky enough to walk to my Iyengar yoga classes with some of the best teachers in the country at the original Santa Monica YogaWorks since the early ‘90s... I was thrilled to discover a treasure such as Suzie in Naples.
- C. Brown


I have been a student of yoga for many years and have been studying with Suzie every year for the last 10 years once a quarter for 3 days at a time. The fact that I travel more than 6 hours to attend her classes should tell you a bit about her teaching skills. Suzie's teaching is helpful, informative and transformative. She has a quick eye and a wicked sense of humor. Her studio is a sanctuary and it is stocked with all the necessary Iyengar Yoga props one would ever need. I highly recommend her classes. You won't regret studying at Postures.
- LW